I have been desperately searching for some of my own Bellingham ancestors. I have traced my mother's paternal Bellingham lines back to what is now the Northern Ireland area, specifically around the counties of Londonderry and Antrim. The farthest Bellingham ancestor of my pedigree that we know of was named Stephen Bellingham, born about 1770, place unknown. He was married to a Sarah Stewart, and they were the parents of at least four children (probably many more) born in and around Moneysallin, Kilrea, Londonderry, (Northern) Ireland. Many of the Bellinghams in this area were concentrated in the Bann Valley in Northern Ireland around the present day city of Kilrea and the other small villages, parishes, and townlands of that area. It is unknown if these Bellinghams have any connection with the 'Baronet' Bellinghams in Castlebellingham, Louth, Ireland. If you have any leads, or may know of anyone who has information on Bellinghams from this general area, please put them in contact with me via E-mail at:
The following E-mail addresses are individuals who are also descendants of Bellinghams in the Bann Valley in counties Londonderry and Antrim in present day Northern Ireland. Please contact them at will if you have any questions or information on these Bellinghams or any in the area that you are aware of.
Benjamin Campbell kishkumen@juno.com
Al Luce alfred.luce@verizon.net
Don Asquith doasquith@charter.net
Rebecca Cockrill Pearl7777@aol.com
Boyd Gray boydgray26@hotmail.com
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