1The United States Social Security Administration, The Social Security Death Index, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
2County Clerk, Allegan Co. Michigan Record of Births, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Irvin Dale Parsons, born August 21, 1914, in Plainwell, Michigan; parents are Lyman H. Parsons and Ethel Rice Parsons, residents of Plainwell. His father is a papermaker."3The United States Social Security Administration, The Social Security Death Index.
4Iosco County Clerk, Certificate of Death for Irvin Dale Parsons, Michigan Department of Health, P.O. Box 30195, Lansing, Michigan 48909.
"Irvin Dale Parsons, age 67, died October 24, 1981 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tawas City, Michigan of Peritonitis due to ruptured Viscus. He was born August 21, 1914 in Michigan to Lyman H. Parsons and Ethel Rice. His occupation was a machine repairman. He was divorsed and living in Au Sable, Iosco, Michigan. He was buried October 27, 1981 in Pinecrest Cemetry at Oscoda, Michigan."5Cemetery Readings and Burial Records for Pinecrest Cemetery, Oscoda, Michigan, 977.474/01 V3c, page 3, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Parsons, Irvin Dale; Marker 1914-1981 S1; USN WW-II; burial record d. 10-24-81."
1Ancestry World Tree, Copyright © 1998-2002, MyFamily.com Inc., www.ancestry.com, Provo, Utah. U.S.A.
2Obituary for William Leigh Bellingham, Plainwell Enterprise, Plainwell, Michigan, USA, Library of Michigan, 717 West Allegan St., Lansing, Michigan, USA, 48909.
- this individual's birth mentioned in father's obituary.
1Ancestry World Tree, Copyright © 1998-2002, MyFamily.com Inc., www.ancestry.com, Provo, Utah. U.S.A.
2Obituary for William Leigh Bellingham, Plainwell Enterprise, Plainwell, Michigan, USA, Library of Michigan, 717 West Allegan St., Lansing, Michigan, USA, 48909.
- this individual's birth mentioned in father's obituary.
1British National Archives
1851 British Census, [database online]. , Indexed by MyFamily.com, Inc. from microfilmed schedules of the 1851 England Census. Data imaged from the National Archiv, folio 139, page 40, 30 Mar 1851, www.ancestry.co.uk, Provo, Utah, USA.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The British National Archives, 1861 Census, Channel Islands (database online), MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Indexed by MyFamily.com, Inc. from microfilmed schedules of , folio 30, page 20, 7 Apr 1861, www.ancestry.co.uk, Provo, Utah, USA.
Data imaged from the National Archives, London, England.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The 1881 British Census and National Index, Compact Disc edition © 1999 by Intellectual Reserve/ Census Data © 1999 British Crown, folio 110, page 13, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The 1881 British Census and National Index, Compact Disc edition © 1999 by Intellectual Reserve/ Census Data © 1999 British Crown, folio 110, page 13, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The 1881 British Census and National Index, Compact Disc edition © 1999 by Intellectual Reserve/ Census Data © 1999 British Crown, folio 110, page 13, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The 1881 British Census and National Index, Compact Disc edition © 1999 by Intellectual Reserve/ Census Data © 1999 British Crown, folio 110, page 13, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The 1881 British Census and National Index, Compact Disc edition © 1999 by Intellectual Reserve/ Census Data © 1999 British Crown, folio 110, page 13, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A, 84150.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The British National Archives, 1891 Census, Channel Islands (database online), Indexed by MyFamily.com, Inc. from microfilmed schedules of the 1901 Channel islands Census. , folio 52, page 8, 5 Apr 1891, www.ancestry.co.uk, Provo, Utah, USA.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1The British National Archives, 1891 Census, Channel Islands (database online), Indexed by MyFamily.com, Inc. from microfilmed schedules of the 1901 Channel islands Census. , folio 52, page 8, 5 Apr 1891, www.ancestry.co.uk, Provo, Utah, USA.
- place and approximate year of birth determined by answers to census.
1County Clerk, Allegan Co. Michigan Record of Births, 1017869, Vol. 5, page 132, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Myron J. Bellingham, born Sept 9, 1894, Gun Plain; parents are Charles E. and Mary Bellingham of Gun Plain, Michigan. Father's occupation was a farmer."2County Clerk, Allegan Co. Michigan, Record of Marriages (Microfilm), 2110291, Vol. 8, page 66, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Jay M. Bellingham, age 24 and Frances E. Brownell, age 2, residents of Plainwell, Mich.; were married Feb. 23, 1920 at Allegan, Michigan, by Samuel E. Kelley, clergyman, witnesses were Ruth B. Kelley and M. Estelle Reid, from Allegan, Michigan.
Jay, a millwright, was also in the war service against Germany. Frances, a telephone operator. Both born in Plainwell, Michigan. ( Frances was actually born in Prairieville.) Parents Charles Bellingham and Mary Webster and George E. Brownell and Margaret Doster."
1County Clerk, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan, Records of Deaths, Microfilm, 2110287, 91-313, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Frances E. Bellingham, age 93, born April 17, 1898 in Michigan, died August 9, 1991 of Heart Disease, at Bridgewood Manor Care Center in Plainwell, Michigan. She was a widow. Her parents are Geroge Brownell and Marqaretta Doster. She was buried in Hillside Cemetery, Plainwell, Michigan."2County Clerk, Allegan Co. Michigan, Record of Marriages (Microfilm), 2110291, Vol. 8, page 66, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT. 84150, USA.
"Jay M. Bellingham, age 24 and Frances E. Brownell, age 2, residents of Plainwell, Mich.; were married Feb. 23, 1920 at Allegan, Michigan, by Samuel E. Kelley, clergyman, witnesses were Ruth B. Kelley and M. Estelle Reid, from Allegan, Michigan.
Jay, a millwright, was also in the war service against Germany. Frances, a telephone operator. Both born in Plainwell, Michigan. ( Frances was actually born in Prairieville.) Parents Charles Bellingham and Mary Webster and George E. Brownell and Margaret Doster."