Sailed from Southampton, England 7th Aug, 1856
Arrived at Belfast, Victoria, Australia 19th Nov, 1856Samuel Bellingham Ag.Lab Sussex, Eng 27yrs C/E
Mary Ann Bellingham wife Sussex, Eng 32yrs C/E
Richard Bellingham son Sussex, Eng 4yrs C/E
Henry Bellingham son Sussex, Eng Infant C/ESamuel could read & write.
Cost of passage was £14 13shillings & 6pence each.Note: Richard who was aged 4 years was actually the son of Mary Flowers first marriage. There was also a daughter, Sarah, born about 1853 and she remained in England until 1861, when she came out with her step grandparents, Henry & Sarah Bellingham.
Belfast - now known as Port Fairy. 290km W Melbourne, pop. 2504
Whitewashed cottages drenched by the salty winds, creaking jetties and painted fishing boats make up this seaport village. Port Fairy, one of Victoria's most charming coastal towns, preserves the history of whaling and sealing.
Belfast boomed during the 1840s -1850s and was the busiest seaport in Australia after Sydney. The town faced two major obstacles in remaining a seaport. Firstly, there was no protection against the south-easterly gales and, secondly, a sandbar at the entrance to the River Moyne prevented Ships coming upstream to sheltered waters. Although the sandbar was removed in the 1870s it was too late. Shipping had been diverted to Portland and Warrnambool.Extract from Belfast Rates Book:-
1856/57 Bellingham. Cottage, Bank Street, 4 rooms Value £20. Rate 1/-
1857/58 Bellingham. Cottage, Sackville St., Value £18. Rate 18/-Victorian P.O.Directory.
Bellingham. Samuel. Flemington Rd., Melbourne
Bellingham. Samuel. Publican. Barlow's Lagoon1874 - Owned a race horse called "Weatherbit" which ran a first & 2 seconds at the Avenel races.
Victorian Electoral Roll 1899.
Bellingham. Samuel. 24 Bendigo St., N. Melbourne. Dealer.The Victorian Gazetteer. (1865) Barlow's Lagoon (Murray district) is a small agricultural hamlet near the township of Avenel, containing a small population and 1 hotel (Cooper's); it is situated on a swampy water hole of the same name. Lower silurian.
Book - "From Burnt Creek To Locksley"
Funeral Card.
In Loving Remembrance of Samuel Bellingham
Dearly Loved Husband Mary Ann Bellingham
Died August 6, 1900 Aged 73 YearsSleep on beloved, sleep and take thy rest,
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviours breast,
We loved thee well, but Jesus loves thee best.
Good-night! good-night! good-night!Calm is thy sleep as an infant's sleep,
But thou shalt wake no more to toil and weep:
Thine is a perfect rest secure and deep,
Good-night! good-night! good-night!DEEPLY REGRETTED
From the undertakers Records - Hotham Funeral Establishment, Errol Street, North Melbourne
Joseph Allison, Undertaker
To funeral of the late Mary Ann Bellingham who died 18th Aug. Aged 77 years
Coffin Hearse Coach etc Cemetery fee Clergy £7.
Settled with Cheque & Cash with thanks. 22/8/00
Known as 'Damper Bill' - because he lived in the bush and ate a lot of damper.
(info - Uncle Bob Bellingham).
The name Aynsley - after his Aunt Sarah Linfield who married James Aynsley.
Henry's birth date was passed onto me by a distant cousin, Ben Carruthers. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to verify this information. I've had the LDS Church check the Goudhurst Parish Registers & was informed that there was no christening for Henry. I found a note from another Bellingham researcher in England that she had found a christening, in Gourdhurst,Kent, for Henry but as it was only a note & not a copy of the entry, I can't say for sure that it is my Henry.
There is a family in Pembury, Kent - Parents Samuel & Lucy. I don't have a marriage date for them. I have found 7 children being born to this couple, the first being Richard Mallion, baptised 2 Oct. 1803. Could this couple be the parents of my Henry??
I paid to have East Kent Marriages checked for a Samuel to a Lucy, but the result was negative.
1841 Census - Brenchley, Kent. (film 0288840)
Village. Henry Bellingham 40 Ag. Lab. bn. in County - Y
Sarah " 30 " N1851 Census - Brenchley, Kent. (film 193516)
Gatehouse. Henry Bellingham 50 Ag.Lab. bn.Goudhurst
Sarah " 43 bn.Ticehurst SSX
Samuel " 22 Fishmonger, bn.Brenchley
Joseph Manser Nephew, 16 Ag.Lab. bn.BrenchleySHIPPING:
Sailed from London, England 5th October 1861
Arrived at Melbourne, Australia January 1862
Henry Bellingham Labourer English 61 years
Sarah Bellingham English 54 years
Sarah Bellingham English 7 years (Granddaughter)
Bible in possession of Ben Carruthers of Melbourne
front inside cover - Fanny Crill
back page - A present from your affectionate friend Fanny Crill to Sarah Bellingham May God Bless you
February 25th 1867
In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria.
Sworn this 12th day of January 1882
In the Estate of Sarah Bellingham late of Avenel in the Colony of Victoria widow deceased intestate.I Samuel Bellingham of Avenel in the colony of Victoria farmer make oath and say:-
1. That the above-named deceased was my mother and for many years before her death lived with me.
2. That I am intimately acquainted with the affairs of the said deceased and at the time of her death she was not indebted to any person.
Sworn at Melbourne in the colony of Victoria this thirteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty two (signed) Samuel Bellingham
Before me a Commissioner of the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria for taking affidavits.ASSETS: Real Estate LIABILITIES
Nil Nil
Personal Estate
Interest in 320 acres of land situate in the parish of
Monea South held under licence from the crown under
Section 19 "Land Act 1869" upon which has been paid
up to date of death for rent and survey fees the sum of
£seventy five.
The improvements thereon at date of death of deceased
consisted of a six-roomed weatherboard house with
galvanized iron roof valued at £one hundred and fifty
and fencing valued at £two hundredMay 4 1883
Mr S. Bellingham
To the Trustees of the Avenel Cemetery,
Grave 6
Section C
Number 1
Land Selection:
17th Dec 1880: Applied for 198 acres 3 roods 17 perches of land in the Parish of Monea South.
Description of land: East of & adjacent to Thomas Lowe Jnr, & west of J.Joynson & H.J. Muttons selections.
7th Jan 1881: Certificate of Registration.
12th Feb 1881: Surveyors report Geological form: Granite
Physical conform: Undulating
Soil: Poor Sandy
Vegetation: Grass, gum, box, stringy bark, wattle
6th April 1881: Replied to Questions: Occupation: Labourer
Age: 20 years
Status: Single
Purpose of Land: Grazing
1st Jun 1887: Signed a Lease for land, for a term of 14 years with rent of 1 shilling per annum for every acre. Allotment 43A.
16th Jun 1887: Application for Lease or Crown Grant by Licensee of Land. License No: 2127. Had occupied this land for 6 years. Paid £59 14 s - fees due on license & had fenced the allotment.
List of improvements: Fencing: 140 chains Value £126 6s
Cultivation: 4 acres £8
Building attached to soil,
farm or other £48
Water storage: 2 Dams £12
All other improvements: £52 17s.
2nd year on land - cultivated 3 acres at a cost of 40/- per acre. Planted oats, yield was a failure. Total cost of £6 .
6th year on land - cultivated another 1 acre at a cost of 40/- per acre. Planted wheat. Total cost of £2.
Buildings: Description - Squared timber bark, nailed roof.
Dimensions - 24.6 x 11 ft.
Materials - Bark & Timber.
Total costs - £35.
Water Storage: Dam 21 x 18 x 7 cost £10
Sm. Dam 11 x 8 x 3 cost £2
Other Improvements:
Store House 20 x 8 Sawn timber bark £10
Shielling 11 x 11 £3
Sheep yard £2
Garden £1
B ? £24 19s
Scrub cutting £20House contained 2 rooms.
Held 70 acres under license - 28 chains apart. Brother Harry on this selection. Valueless for cultivation.
18th Jul 1887: Paid half yearly rent £4 19s 6p
Rent due £4 19s 6p
Certificate fee £1
Lease fee £1
15th Jan 1901: Paid rent £189 1s
Balance due £9 19s
Lease Grant fee £1 6s
Assurance fund 8s 4d
Purchased at Seymour
Address: Monea
Occupation: Woodcutter27th Feb 1901: Signed a declaration of identity. (problem with name Sam/Samuel and the addition of Junior)
12th Sep 1901: Wrote to Sec. of Lands, asking to forward Crown Grant.
12th Sep 1901: Grant prepared1913: Property sold
Samuel was a member of the Burnt Creek/Locksley Rifle Club.
Book - 'From Burnt Creek To Locksley' by Ildie Houston. printed 1988
page 26
Sam and Bill Bellingham ran a small but attractive hotel on the branch road just off the Old Sydney Road. It was the one towards Dargetz. Minnie also lived there and one of the quince trees she planted in her orchard is still bearing fruit. (This hotel at Barlows Lagoon was run by their father in earlier years)Bob Bellingham remembers Samuel when he was an elderly gentleman of about 90.
"Samuel used to have turkeys on his farm and kept the feed in a grain shed, 20 feet away was an old kerosene tin, covered in an old sack. Samuel used to sit on this old tin and shoot the rats and mice running between the sacks of grain - and he'd never miss. Samuel used to smoke a pipe made from the lid of an old tomato sauce bottle."According to the Victorian P.O.Directory 1888 - 1898, Samuel was a Selector at Locksley before moving to Loch. Grandson Patrick mentioned that Samuel was presented with a few sovereigns before leaving Locksley.
Donated money towards the cost of the Burnt Creek/Locksley Hall.
Minnie used to work in the P.O. at Geelong - (Annie Young of Avenel)
Served in W.W.1.
No: 1104 Pte Bellingham. Samuel
3rd L.Rwy. 24/7/15 R.T.A. 11/5/19Forty seven former pupils of Locksley School No: 2648 served in World War 1 and their names were recorded on the Honour Board at the school. The simple inscription reads: For King and Country. LOCKSLEY SCHOOL Number 2648. Honour Roll. (among the names is S. Bellingham)
Bible in possession of Ben Carruthers of Melbourne. (published, London 1810)
Inscription - "The book of Lucy Bellingham who desires that after her death it may belong to her son Henry Bellingham"