Hello, welcome to the Bellingham Genealogy web site. This site
is devoted to genealogy of of the Bellingham surname and all things Bellingham. This is your web site as well. In order for this web site to grow and be as useful as possible, I NEED YOUR HELP!! I not only encourage and welcome any clarifications, additions or input you can give, but they are a necessity. So please, send me your Bellingham genealogy so that others can take advantage of this web site as well.
The Sussex Weald A lot of Sussex county Bellingham data (with some good source data), a considerable amount of material on this particular site for you to digest!
This web site originally produced 19 May 1999 in part by Ancestral Quest, a product of Incline Software, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Last update: December 11, 2013